Middle East - Frequently Asked Questions

It has become what the situation in the Middle East? Confrontation ... Question. What is the Middle East peace process. After the Second World War, the United Kingdom Upon finish the Palestine Mandate, United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine in the United Nations (Jewish state, Arab nation, divided into international management district) has been adopted (year). The following year, but Israel on the basis of the same resolution has declared its independence, close to Arab countries that do not admit this declared war, took place the first Middle East War. Then, it has been repeated war over several orders in the past, especially the oil crisis that occurred at the time of the Yom Kippur War of the year, had a major impact on the world in economic terms. Middle East peace is a problem, return these circumstances in the background, several orders over Israel the land occupied in the war (the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights), and to the Arab side, including the Palestinians while ensuring the safety of Israel then, is the problem of how to achieve peace.
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