[Continues up to now, the root of all evil in the Middle East problem! ]

It has become what the situation in the Middle East? Confrontation ... Until now, the root of all evil in the Middle East problem! Point One of the eye is the [origin of the Middle East problem. The Middle East is a problem, refers to the conflict between Jews and Arabs over the Middle East (Palestine). Rather than past events, it is followed by that problem century of today. In fact, the Middle East problem, its origins can be traced back to around the time of the First World War. Let's take a closer look. United Kingdom of secret agreements The Middle East problem is caused to occur are located in the United Kingdom is Torikawashi was One of the secret agreement during the First World War. Year, United Kingdom, which has been hostile to the Ottoman Empire, has signed the Arab peoples and Hussein McMahon agreement. Contents of those that promise the construction of the Arab nation in the old Turkish territory. Instead of admit the Arabs of independence, it was prompted the revolt of the Ottoman Empire. On the other hand in the UK next year, and then entered into a Saikusupiko agreement that divided France and Russia Ying old Turkish territory after the war.
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